From time to time when people are looking to register with our organization we get asked a series of questions. We would like to create this page here to help answer the frequently asked questions (FAQs):

Q: Do we provide funding for our teams?

A: I know many teams want funding for there tournaments and events, funding is something that can be applied for through our email! However, we do require proven records of winnings in tournaments. There are requirements for funding which will be outlined in your application upon emailing us. Please allow- 24-48 hours for us to get back to you.

Q: Is there an age requirement to register?

A: No, however we would ask that all players and teams representing our organization to be mature and well behaved. Misconduct and childish behaviour will not be tolerated. Warnings will be placed and captians will be notified.

Q: Do you help promote?

A: Yes, we will help you grow as a team, youtuber or streamer.

Q: Are there benefits to joining?

A: Yes, there are tons of benefits, including packages for joining. See our packages page for more details!

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